Fix and flip loans are a type of short-term financing used by real estate investors to purchase and renovate properties with the goal of selling them quickly for a profit. These loans are specifically designed for investors who want to buy distressed properties, fix them up, and sell them at a higher price.
At Quintal Mortgage Co, we understand the unique needs of fix and flip investors. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing flexible and tailored financing solutions to help you maximize your investment potential.
With our fix and flip loans, you can access the capital you need to purchase properties, cover renovation costs, and fund other expenses associated with the project. We offer competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms to ensure that our loans align with your investment strategy.
We offer fix and flip loans to Real Estate investors, you van borrow fund for the short-term, fix the property and then sell it for profit, call us to discuss your goals.
Program Highlights:
Fix and flip loans can help you have another income stream if you want to diversify your real estate investments. For example, rather than buying a home to hold and rent, you buy undervalued properties that you renovate yourself and sell it quickly.
The problem many investors run into, though, is capital. It takes money to buy a house, renovate and sell it and conventional lenders won’t finance a home unless it passes the appraisal. Unfortunately most fix-and-flip homes won’t pass the appraisal, leaving investors in a bind.
Fix and flip loans can help you get the money you need to add this opportunity to your real estate business.
A fix and flip loan is a short-term loan from a hard money lender. Investors can use the funds to buy the property, renovate it, and sell it. The loans are short-term and so is the exit strategy for most fix-and-flip properties.
Fix and flip loans use the property you’re buying as collateral. This is the same as conventional (traditional) financing, however instead of requiring full documention, the hard money lender will focus on the following:
The terms fix and flip lenders offer vary by lender and are usually on a case-by-case basis. On average, you can borrow funds for 6 to 18 months. This being a short-term loan, make sure to have a solid exit plan to pay the loan off in time.
It’s also best to have an emergency plan if things don’t go as expected. For example, if the contractors find more problems with the home you need a Plan B to pay the loan on time.
Most fix and flip loans close within 7 to 10 days, giving you access to the funds quickly so you can get your process going.
Most hard money loans, lenders need you to have equity in the home. When you purchase a home, you must put your own money into it. Most borrowers can borrow around 65% of the home’s after repaired value (ARV) for fix and flip properties.
Contact us to 'schedule a consultation' or to 'learn more' or if ready to start your 'application' below.
Don't let funding be a barrier to your fix and flip projects. Reach out to learn more about our fix and flip loan options. Contact us to 'schedule a consultation' or to 'learn more' or if ready to start your 'application' below.